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Registration & Enrollment


March 1, 2024 – Two-Way Dual Language (TWDL) for incoming Kindergarteners at Rosehill Elementary.
March 1, 2024 – New Student Registration for Kindergarten at All Campuses
April 1, 2024 – New Student Registration for Tomball ISD Early Education (EE) & Pre-K.
April 22, 2024 – New Student Registration for Tomball ISD 1st - 12th.
April 29 - June 3, 2024 – Student Not Returning to Tomball ISD Questionnaire for 2024-2025 School Year.
July 17, 2024 – Returning Student Annual Enrollment for Tomball ISD Pre-K - 12th.
We are excited about the opportunity to partner with your family to provide a high-quality education for your child(ren). TISD uses the Tomball ISD LINK Online Registration & Enrollment application, which provides families with a simple step-by-step process.
Registration Requirements
In an effort to assist you with registration, the following checklist is provided as a reminder of the documents you will need to register your child(ren) in a Tomball ISD school. If you are unable to produce the documentation as outlined below, please ask to speak with a campus registrar for assistance. The person registering the student must be the student’s natural parent, legal guardian, or other person with legal responsibility for the child along with documentation (such as a birth certificate, court order, power of attorney, etc.).

Registrar Process

  1. The registrar process/verifies registration by reviewing the information, documents, and eligibility that were provided once online registration is complete.
  2. The campus registrar will contact the parents once the application is completed.

Registrars are off-duty during Summer Break. Applications will stay in pending status until their return to duty, which is listed below.
hank you for your patience.

Registrar's Summer Duty Schedule 

Campuses Off Duty for Summer Return to Duty from Summer
Elementary & Intermediate
May 28
July 22
Junior High
May 30
July 22
High School
June 14
July 17

Campus Registrar and Attendance Clerk Information

New Student Online Registration for Kindergarten & TWDL Opens March 1, 2024

Students must be age 5 on or before September 1 of the current year.
Two-Way Dual Language at Rosehill Elementary
Learn more about TWDL, including required Parent Information session dates and times. Parent information meeting is required to apply for TWDL. The deadline to apply for TWDL is March 29, 2024.

New Student Online Registration for Pre-K Opens April 4, 2024

Eligible students must be age 4 on or before September 1 of the current school year and must meet at least one requirement outlined on the Pre-K Registration page, linked below. 

New Student Online Registration For New To TISD Grades 1 - 12 Opens April 22, 2024

New to Tomball ISD • Grades 1 - 12
First-grade students must be age 6 on or before September 1 of the current school year.

Parent/Guardian must log in to TISD LINK and complete the 1st - 12th grade Online Registration

  1. Parent/Guardian of the student(s) will need to start by creating an account, with name, address, email address, phone number, and setting up a username and password.
  2. Follow directions to provide information on the student(s).
  3. Upload ALL supporting documents (listed above).
  4. Complete and submit the online registration application.
    • Wait for the campus registrar to process and verify the application. Once all supporting documents are submitted they will contact the parent/guardian who completes the application.


Non-Returning Student Questionnaire for the 2024-25 School Year

Not Returning to TISD • Grades Pre-K - 11
If your student(s) will not be returning to Tomball ISD in the fall, please complete the Returning to TISD questionnaire within the Home Access Center (HAC). 

Returning Student Annual Online Enrollment Opens July 17, 2024

All current TISD Students who will be returning to TISD in the Fall of 2024
Every year the parent/guardian is required to fill out an Annual Enrollment on each one of their student(s). The district sends out notification in the form of a letter to the parent/guardian with the login and student(s) information. This letter will contain the dates in which the application MUST be completed. This is also the time that the parent/guardian can update information if needed.  Any documentation that is required for the update can be uploaded during this time.
Annual Enrollment Process
1. Log onto your Home Access Center By clicking the Link below.
2. Click on TISD Link.
3. Process through all the online forms and submit.
    o If making any type of changes, it is required that the approved documentation be uploaded when prompted.
4. Then your application will be pending review from the campus registrar.


Home Access Center icon

Home Access Center