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Tomball Independent School District

Standard Response Protocol

EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN [Standard Response Protocol]
Tomball ISD is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and visitors on its campuses. The district maintains an Emergency Response Plan that outlines the district’s approach to emergency management and operations. It provides general guidance of emergency management activities and an overview of the district's methods of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

The objectives of the emergency operations program are to protect the lives and well-being of students and staff through the prompt and timely response of trained school personnel should an emergency occur at a school.
Hold HOLD – "In Your Classroom Area"
Clear the hallway and remain in their area until the "All Clear" is announced.
secure SECURE (Formerly LOCKOUT) – "Get Inside. Lock outside doors"
In the interest of safety for students and staff, the Superintendent or his designee may direct one or more campuses or facilities to activate Lockout procedures. A lockout is activated in case of situations on campus outside the building or within the community. No one is allowed to enter or leave the building. Students will not be released or picked up from school. Once all “All Clear” is given, the campus returns to regular activities. Note: Anyone living near a school that is on Lockout should Lockout at home.
Lockdown LOCKDOWN – "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight"
Lockdown procedures are activated if an intruder invades the premises or if law enforcement officers are searching for a suspect near a school. All doors, windows, and classrooms are locked. Students and teachers remain in their classrooms until the “All Clear” is given. No one enters or exits the building and local authorities provide assistance if needed.
In the interest of safety for students and staff, the Superintendent may direct that one or more campuses or sites be relocated to a designated relocation site. All students at the affected school(s) or site(s) will be transported via district transportation. Students will not be released to himself/herself in lieu of district transportation. District administrators will be available to assist campus administrators at the relocation sites. Students will only be released from the relocation site to an adult listed on the student's current registration form as authorized to accept custody of the student. Identification will be required.
Shelter SHELTER 
Shelter hazards might include inclement weather like tornados or hazmat spills near a school.
Part of the emergency planning process in preparation for the reunification of students with parents in the event of an emergency situation occurring on a TISD campus. Our goal is to reunite students with parents as quickly as possible, and we must do so in the safest manner for all involved. In the event that reunification is necessary, each parent/guardian who arrives to pick up a student will be given a reunification card to complete.  Also, be prepared to show valid photo identification in the event of an emergency that requires reunification.
1. Follow Notification (Blackboard).
2. Bring a Photo ID.
3. Limit Calls - too many calls can hinder a cellular network, use text messaging if you need to communicate on or near the reunification zone.
4. Be Patient - Reunification is a process that protects students. Please remain calm.

Tomball ISD's staff prepares for emergencies by participating in drills throughout the school year. Crisis training is woven into the district's staff development program. District facilities are also available after school hours for the Tomball Police and Fire Departments for drills that familiarize emergency personnel with each of our campuses.

In an effort to provide parents, community organizations and the public with reliable information regarding school closures, Tomball ISD utilizes the School Closing Notification System. This system will notify the media of school closures. Please stay tuned to local television and radio station reports for school closures.