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Tomball Independent School District

Revised Report Cards

How grades came to be…
The traditional grading scale was first used in 1792 by a tutor in England to help him sort through “good” and “bad” students quickly. He was inspired by the way factories were creating a checklist of whether or not the workers were running the assembly line correctly and the product was making “the grade”. The practice quickly became the favorite way of determining if students “met the standard” as teachers began to structure classrooms using factories and industry as their model of productivity.
Today, we value far more than the ability to memorize and follow simple directions. Learning is about a deeper understanding of content, problem-solving, inquiry and innovation. Instruction today is focused on coaching students with specific feedback and intentional supports to reach these rigorous learning expectations.
Why we want to revise our early learning report cards:
Like teachers, parents need accurate and meaningful information, about their child’s strengths and opportunities for growth.  In an effort to provide parents a communication tool which gives specific information concerning what students should know, understand, and be able to do, the elementary report card is linked to our Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills  (TEKS) standards and highlights the essential learning goals in each content area for that grade level. As we work to guarantee high levels of learning for all students, we will use a proficiency scale to measure and report what students are learning. Research shows that when teachers, students, and parents have a clear understanding of what the learning target is then student achievement greatly increases. The Tomball ISD PK, Kinder and 1st-grade report card revisions will serve as a better tool to help us partner with our parents to reach these goals.

Revised Report Card Video Overview

Revised Report Card Video Overview (Spanish)