School Health Advisory Council
In accordance with Education Code 28.004(a), a district must establish a local school health advisory council (SHAC) to assist the District in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the District's health education instruction. Additionally, according to local policy, the SHAC shall review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques and shall develop nutrition guidelines and wellness goals required by law. The SHAC may be comprised of parents, students, representatives of the District's food service provider, physical education teachers, school health professionals, members of the Board, school administrators, and members of the public.
The SHAC meets at least four times during each school year and gives an annual presentation to the Board regarding the council's activities throughout the year. All meetings are video and audio recorded and posted on this website at a later date. Meetings are held in the Board room at the Central Administration Building, 310 S. Cherry St.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
TISD Board Room
TISD Board Room
TISD Board Room
TISD Board Room
Restricted Parent Opt-in Instruction
- Growth and Development
- Human Sexuality
- Prevention of Child Abuse
- Family Violence
- Dating Violence