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Tomball Independent School District

District Zone Committee

TISD District Zone Committee
As the Tomball Independent School District builds new schools, it becomes necessary to realign the attendance zones to achieve balance. During this realignment process, the Committee will work with a demographic consultant and jointly develop options for the new attendance boundaries. The committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who will review and set the new attendance zones.

District Zone Committee Application for District Zone Reset

A committee comprised of all district principals and 23 parents that will work to review options for revised boundaries:

Parents interested in participating on the District Zone Committee can complete an Interest Form by signing into their Home Access Center (HAC) account and then choosing the “District Zone Committee Household Application” option. 
The District Zone Committee Household Application window will be open from Tuesday evening, October 10 through Friday, October 13, 2023. Twenty-three parents (one from each campus) will be randomly selected from all who complete the form.