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Tomball Independent School District

Bond 2021

Bond 2021

Tomball ISD Voters Approve $494.46 Million Bond

Tomball ISD voters approved two separate propositions for a total of $494.46 million in a bond referendum known as Bond 2021 on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.  The official vote was 4,959 for Proposition A with 3,706 against, and 4,955 for Proposition B with 3,670 against.  The two propositions of Bond 2021 that did pass will address adding new campuses and facilities, renovations at existing campuses and facilities, additional or replacement technology devices, improved district technology infrastructure, improved cybersecurity, improvements to facility security, and the purchase of additional school buses.    

During their regular meeting on August 12, 2021, the Tomball ISD Board of Trustees unanimously called for a bond election to be held on November 2, 2021. The election comes following the recommendation from a community-based Facility Study Steering Committee (FSSC) that met in April and May.

Community voters will have an opportunity to vote on a $567,560,000 bond proposal during the November election.

Through five ballot propositions (A-E), the bond:

  • adds facilities to address enrollment growth
  • addresses transportation upgrades
  • repairs aging facilities
  • replaces outdated technology


The bond includes projects that impact ALL students and DOES NOT affect the total tax rate. 

This bond will be presented to voters in five separate propositions.
Learn more about what's included in the proposed bond package; how the bond proposal was developed;
and how TISD's rapid growth allows the district to fund capital projects without an increase to the district's total tax rate.
The bond proposal will be presented to voters in five separate propositions on the ballot.
Bond 2021 Props

Bond 2021 Details