Public Comments
Due to the passage of House Bill 2840 during the 86th Legislative Session, Tomball ISD’s policy procedures for public comment at Board meetings have changed to meet the new requirements set out by law.
At regular Board meetings, the Board shall permit public comments pertaining to district business, regardless of whether the topic is an item on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting.
At all other open Board meetings, in order to align with new laws, public comment shall be limited to items on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting.
In order to comply with legal requirements and accommodate all individuals who desire to comment on Board agenda items, the sign-up procedure has been revised as follows:
Members of the public who wish to sign up to comment on agenda or non-agenda items must sign up by 1:00 P.M. on the day of any open Board meeting that starts at 5:30 P.M. or must sign up at least four hours prior to any other open Board meeting. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes at the beginning of the meeting to comment on an agenda item unless more than five speakers sign up to comment at the same meeting. If more than five speakers sign up for the same meeting, the Board reserves the right to:
- Decrease the per-speaker time limit to address the Board
- The Board can reduce the time to one minute
- If more than 10 speakers are registered, the allotted time for each speaker will be reduced to one minute each
- For speakers registered for multiple agenda items, one additional minute will be added to the allotted speaking time
- Move comment on non-agenda topics to the end of the meeting
- Take items in a different order than shown on the meeting notice
- Proceed first with agenda items for which no speakers have registered to provide comment
- Recommend that comments involving the performance of individual District employees or officers be made through the grievance policy
- Require that comments involving personally identifiable student information be made through the grievance policy
- Continue a meeting or an agenda item to another day in order to allow adequate time for public comment
- Make other reasonable adjustments to the timing of public comment in accordance with law
- Decrease the per-speaker time limit to address the Board
The presiding officer will announce these adjustments in an open meeting.
If you have any questions regarding the district’s new public comment procedures, please contact Janice Tadlock, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at 281-357-3100, extension 2005.
In order to speak at the Board Meeting, this form must be submitted between the hours of 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM on the day of a posted board meeting at which you wish to speak. All other submissions will be voided.