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Tomball Independent School District

Bus Rider Rules

Be at the bus stop early, at least 7-10 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. It is not the driver’s responsibility to honk or wait if you are late. Never run after the bus.
Students will be picked up and dropped off at their designated bus stops only. Drivers do not assign bus stops. The Routing Office is responsible for assigning bus stops.
Wait for the bus in a safe place, at least 10 ft. from the roadway, in a single file line. Do not move towards the bus until the bus has come to a complete stop. Standing too close to the road can be dangerous.
Sit down as soon as possible. The bus cannot move until all students are seated. 
Stay seated correctly and facing forwards at all times. Your backpack should kept in your lap and not in the aisle or blocking an exit.
If you must cross the road, move 15 ft. in front of the bus and wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross. Look both ways before crossing the road. Do not trust the traffic to stop for the bus. Stop if the driver honks while you are crossing in front of the bus. Never cross behind the bus.
Keep hands, arms, and head inside of the bus at all times.
Water is allowed. Other food and drinks are not permitted due to allergic reactions and choking risks. 
Listen to the bus driver and follow their directions. The driver will assign seats at their discretion and may change those assignments throughout the year. Students are required to sit in their assigned seats at all times. Normal conversation is permitted. Any loud noise that may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition is prohibited.
Enter and leave the bus carefully using the handrail. Please use caution as any dangling object from a backpack or jacket could be hazardous.
Parents are responsible for the safety of their child(ren):
  •   Between the residence and the bus stop before pick-up and after drop-off
  •   While waiting for the bus
Procedures for Releasing Pre-K through 1st-Grade Students at the Bus Stop
Transportation procedures require a guardian to receive Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade students at the bus stop, unless stated otherwise.
If you require someone to receive your child from the bus stop, please list everyone you want to give permission to receive them using the Smart Tag Parent Portal. You may include older siblings that ride the same bus but are second grade or higher. Your bus driver may require an unfamiliar person to show their ID at the bus stop, so please make sure they are prepared. This is to keep your child safe. If nobody is there to receive them, your child will be returned to their campus. It will then be the parent's responsibility to pick their child up from school. The bus will not return to the bus stop.
If you do not require someone to receive your Pre-k through 1st-grade student, then you will need to complete the TISD Student Release Form for Transportation and return it to the bus driver. It must be signed in order to become effective.
Behavior Standards
The school bus is an extension of the classroom. All district policies that apply to student conduct apply to the school bus. Rules are to be followed to ensure every passenger’s safety. If a student chooses to ignore bus rules, disciplinary action will be taken.
The following behavior management techniques may be used to gain a student’s adherence to district safety rules:
  •   Verbal warnings (For minor offenses)
  •   Short and long term suspension of bus riding privileges
  •   Permanent revocation of bus riding privileges
  •   Police citations
Video Monitoring Systems
Video cameras with audio recording capabilities may be used on each bus during routes and on trips.
Prohibited items:
  • Animals of any kind, including but not limited to fish, birds, and reptiles
  • Cigarettes
  • Lighters, matches, or fire starters
  • Tobacco
  • Vapes or Electronic Smoking Devices
  • Guns
  • Knives and Swords
All rules apply on field trips or school-sponsored events.
  •   Discipline will be the responsibility of the sponsor and bus driver.
  •   Drivers will provide emergency exit information to students before departure.
Band Instruments
Students enrolled in the band are allowed to transport their instrument with them on the bus but must be prepared to keep it in their lap. Instruments must be in the same seat as the student, and they may not block the aisle or exits. Students with larger instruments are often assigned to sit in the front of the bus to make loading and unloading times more efficient. Students are solely responsible for their instrument and any damages it may incur. It should never be taken out of the case while on the bus.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Cell phones and electronic devices are allowed for personal entertainment purposes only. Phone calls and video chats are not allowed. Headphones are required if using an electronic device. Sharing a cell phone or headphones and taking photos or videos is not permitted. If a student cannot handle the responsibility of using their device correctly, it will result in a discipline referral. A student may also be told at the discretion of the driver to keep their device put up.
Students are not allowed to use pens, pencils, or any other sharp objects on the bus. These objects can become projectiles in the event of a crash, not only causing injuries but damage to school bus seats and equipment.
Items Left on the Bus
Transportation employees are not responsible for any items left on the bus.
Activity Buses
Students who remain after school for activities and ride a late-run bus must follow the bus rider rules. Failure to follow the rules may result in disciplinary consequences that could include suspension of bus riding privileges. If a student receives a suspension from riding a regular bus, he/she will not be able to ride a late-run bus. The routing of these buses will differ from normal routes and are intended to put students within close proximity of their homes.
Emergencies and Evacuation Drills
The district will provide Emergency Evacuation drills. In the event of an emergency, follow the direction of the driver. In most cases, passengers will remain onboard the bus.
If evacuation is necessary:
  • The students nearest the emergency doors, windows, and hatches will open them and hold them open.
  • Evacuation will start with the students nearest the exits.
  • Students will leave quickly in a single file line per exit.
  • Once outside, students will stay in a group and follow the driver’s instructions.