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Tomball Independent School District

Bus Registration


Bus registration will be completed during Annual Enrollment using the Home Access Center (Annual Enrollment begins on July, 17th). On August 2, bus information will be available in the SMART tag App If no bus information is listed in your student’s profile, InfoFinder will be available for you to enter your child’s physical address for bus information. If bus information is populated, please send a handwritten note to the campus stating, “I’m a bus rider and have not been assigned”. Please include the afternoon bus information found on InfoFinderThe campus staff will give your child a bus slip to use until they have been assigned to a bus. You will be notified by email when your child has been assigned and the bus slip is no longer needed. If your address does not populate bus information, please contact transportation (this occurs when there is not an established stop). It can take up to 10 school days to add a stop location to an existing bus route. Parents will be responsible for transportation during the 10 school days. 

Students enrolled in a special program (Developmental, PASS, etc.) who did not receive special bus service last year and would like to receive service this year or who've moved over the summer, please get in touch with the Diagnostician at your child's campus.

Parents of Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First-grade students will enter guardian release information using the SMART tag App. Please list all persons allowed to receive your student at the bus stop, example: older sibling (including those that may ride the same bus), neighbor, or friend, etc. 

All students are required to have their SMART tag from the 2023 – 2024 school year on the first day of school until they have received their new SMART tag from their campus. Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, and Second-grade students must attach the SMART tag to the upper, right side of their backpack strap. Students in the Third through Twelfth-grade must wear their SMART tag around their neck on a breakaway lanyard.

We look forward to seeing your students on August 13!