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Tomball Independent School District

TISD Home Access Center Info

Home Access Center icon
The Home Access Center provides an online grade book where parents and guardians can view helpful student information to support and guide their children through the educational process. From home or work, at any time of the day or night, parents can access the Web portal to track academic achievement.  E-mail links are also available throughout the portal so parents can communicate with the school and teachers.


  • Provides parents and students with a daily summary page of student information
  • Features schedule and attendance, classwork, and course requests
  • Allows students to view their own records in the system to help keep them informed about their progress


  • Engages parents via an Internet parental portal, connecting them with the classroom and providing them with relevant and timely information to support/direct their children
  • Helps open a consistent avenue of parent-teacher communication
  • Creates stronger connections between students, parents, teachers, and administrators
  • Empowers students to actively take a role in their progress and future

Help Documents

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Home Access Center features. How do I log in, how do I reset my password, and how do I change my email address are among the questions answered in this document.


Forgot Password?

Tomball ISD Link

Check out the HAC FAQs to learn more about the Home Access Center.


Email Teachers 

Email the teacher of one of your student's classes by either going to the Interim Progress or Report Card screens in the Home Access Center. If you have an email application that auto-opens when you click on an email address (Outlook), the teacher's email address will automatically fill the "To:" field of the email. If you use a web-based email provider (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) right-click, on the teacher's name and then select Properties in the pop-up that appears. Then you can select the email address, copy it, and paste it into your email.
Parents and Guardians can now update their email addresses and/or phone numbers in the Home Access Center. Click on the Registration link in the main menu and then click on the "Edit Information" link. Do not forget to click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the Edit Information window to save your changes.
Note:  A student's classwork average may include assignment/test scores that are not visible due to the lag time between inputting scores and publishing those scores to the Home Access Center.
LINK Help Desk
Tomball ISD
310 South Cherry Tomball, Texas 77375