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Tomball Independent School District

Teacher Pay Scale


New Hire Guide for Teachers
including Academic, Bilingual, ESL, GT, Math, Reading, Work-Based Learning, Orientation & Mobility specialists, and Behavior Coach
Hiring Schedule 601/083

Pay Step

New Hire Salary
0 $61,000
1 $61,500
2 $62,000
3 $62,500
4 $63,000
5 $63,500
6 $64,000
7 $64,500
8 $65,000
9 $65,500
10 $66,000
11 $66,550
12 $67,100
13 $67,650
14 $68,200
15 $68,750
16 $69,300
17 $69,850
18 $70,400
19 $70,950
20 $71,500
21 $72,100
22 $72,700
23 $73,300
24 $73,900
25 $74,500
26 $75,100
27 $75,700
28 $76,300
29 $76,900
30 $77,500
31 $78,150
32 $78,800
33 $79,450
34 $80,100
35 $80,750
36 $81,450
37 $82,150
38 $82,380
39 $83,550
40 $84,300

Continuing Teachers will receive an increase of $1,375

$1,000 General Master's Degree Stipend
$2,000 General Doctorate's Degree Stipend

The salaries listed above are based on a 10-month employment for the 2024-2025 school year. Salary plans are determined on an annual basis and salary advancement is not guaranteed. Pay increases are based on the annual pay raise budget approved by the Board of Trustees.

Hiring Schedules