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Tomball Independent School District

Cooperative Purchasing Program

Tomball ISD is a member of nine purchasing cooperatives (co-ops) that include a large selection and variety of vendors for all commodity codes. These programs have established competitive pricing and ensure the quality of goods that are available for purchase.
BUYBOARD - Texas Local Government Purchasing Co-Op (TASB)
OMNIA PARTNERS - includes U.S. Communities & National IPA
HCDE - Harris County Department of Education (Choice Partners)
TIPS - The Interlocal Purchasing System
DIR-SDD - Texas Department of Information Services (Technology)
HGAC BUY - Houston-Galveston Area Council
CTPA - Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
EPIC6 - Educational Purchasing Interlocal Cooperative at Region 6
1GPA - 1Government Procurement Alliance
You are welcome to contact any of the above co-ops for information on how to become a vendor.  Many public agencies, school districts and municipalities utilize these cooperatives for purchasing to help ensure legal compliance and to reduce the overall cost of bidding and purchasing.