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Tomball Independent School District

Energy Services

Welcome to the Energy Management web page for Tomball ISD!  Our mission is to achieve effective management and use of energy sources while minimizing the District's impact on the environment.
The primary goal of the Energy Management Department is to ensure all buildings are operating in a comparable manner, and only used to the degree necessary.  This is done by scheduling degree set points through a web control system. By creating and implementing a scheduling system this ensures a comfortable learning environment for the students and staff of TISD.  
Electricity costs are the vast majority of a district's expenditures. Reducing electric usage can have a powerful impact on cost.  Below are helpful suggestions to conserve energy: 
  • Lights turned off in unoccupied areas
  • Turn off equipment not being used including computers, copiers, printers, fax machines, and coffee makers
  • Close shades or blinds when it is warm outside to reduce solar heat
  • Keep exterior  and vestibule doors closed
TISD ranks 7th among 43 districts on how well the district utilizes electricity and natural gas per square foot. Report provided by Center point Energy.
1110 Baker Drive
Tomball, TX 77375
After Hours Contact
Mark Schwebach
281-357-3170 ext. 6215
DeWayne Lucius
281-357-3170 ext. 6211
HVAC Emergency