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Tomball Independent School District

THS Valedictorian: Gianna Gilbert

THS Valedictorian: Gianna Gilbert


THS Valedictorian

What are your plans after you graduate from Tomball High School?

“I am attending the University of Texas at Austin in the fall to study biomedical engineering.”

What has been the best part about attending Tomball High School?

“The best part about THS was getting to meet such a wide variety of people and making connections that I hope will last a lifetime!”

What will you miss the most about high school?

“I think what I will miss most is sitting in my car, talking with my friends before the bell of first period rang. It was always such a refreshing way to start the day and wake up a little before getting ready to learn! It truly was the little things that made the fondest memories.”

What did you learn from your high school experience that you will take with you into college?

“I learned to be open to making unlikely friends because sometimes it’s the people you never would have talked to outside of class that can become the most fun to spend time with. Also, I learned to get to know your teachers well; it goes a long way.”

Who would you like to thank?

“I would love to thank all of the teachers, staff, and administrators who helped me throughout these past four years. Without their hard work and dedication, I truly would not be where I am today. A special thanks goes out to all of my senior year teachers who helped prepare me for college and all of those from previous grades who stayed in touch over the years.”

More on Gianna in a Tomball Potpourri/Houston Chronicle article.

  • 2019-2020
  • THS
  • Valedictorian

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