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Tomball Independent School District

Get to Know: Tomball Star Academy’s 2024 Valedictorian & Salutatorian

Get to Know: Tomball Star Academy’s 2024 Valedictorian & Salutatorian

TOMBALL –  Tomball Star Academy’s Valedictorian Isabella Lezama and Salutatorian Asbah Hamid will lead the way during TSA’s graduation ceremony. Let's get to know the two seniors.

Tomball Star Academy will graduate its senior class on Thursday, May 23 at 7 PM at the MET Church at 13000 Jones Road, Houston, Texas 77070. For more information, one can visit the 2024 TISD Graduation webpage.

TSA Val & Sal 2024

Tomball Star Academy

What has been the best part about attending Tomball Star Academy?
“The best part about attending Tomball Star Academy has been getting to know my classmates and advisors. I am so thankful to have been part of this program and receive such personal and individualized advice. Additionally, TSA has made it possible for me to be eligible to participate in collegiate programs/conferences. These opportunities have given me incredible insight into future career paths, led to internship opportunities, and have been instrumental to my applications.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Tomball Star Academy?
“After I graduate this spring, I plan to attend the University of Texas at Austin in the fall and double major in Environmental Science and Economics. After obtaining my bachelor's, I hope to attend law school.”

What will you miss the most about high school?
“I love my family and will miss them very much when I go to college. Of course, I will also miss my friends and all the people who have been kind to me during school. I think the things that might seem more simple—like having a homeroom and driving between TSA and LSC for classes—are things I'll romanticize in college.” 

What did you learn from your high school experience that you will take with you into college?
“TSA gave me a unique high school experience that will set me up for success in college. I've learned that asking questions in class is worth it and that office hours are very helpful. Four years is a long time, and I've learned how to be a better friend, person, classmate, and student during my time here.”

Who would you like to thank?
“The only reason I can have the honor of being valedictorian for my year is my family's support and encouragement for me to be in the program. From freshman to senior year, my family has been there for me in many ways. From my parents helping me stay calm during virtual school to times in my junior year when I'd be late picking up my sister and brothers if I booked a study room, my family has shown me incredible kindness, patience, and grace. I also have to thank all of my grandparents, who have dedicated so much time and love to me and my siblings. My mom, dad, Vanessa, John, Joseph, grandparents, aunts & uncles, my friends, teachers, counselors, advisors, and God have all my thanks. And thank you for interviewing me!”

Tomball Star Academy

What has been the best part about attending Tomball Star Academy?
“For me, the best part about attending TSA would be the close-knit community that we have here. I like that I know everyone in my class and I can have one-on-one conversations with my teachers. I also appreciate the flexibility of my schedule here as it gives me more options for participating in extracurriculars and events at Lone Star College.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Tomball Star Academy?
“I plan on getting my Bachelor's at Texas A&M in either engineering or computer science with a minor in art. I will likely continue with my master's after that. I also want to work on some of my personal goals such as getting back into fencing and practicing my knitting skills.”

What will you miss the most about high school?
“The thing that I am going to miss the most about this school is the connections that I have made with my friends and teachers. Although I will miss them, I hope to stay in touch with them in the future and I am excited to see where they will go.”

What did you learn from your high school experience that you will take with you into college?
“The most important thing that I learned is to be able to advocate for myself, whether it be to reach out to a professor about a question or to ask to try something new with a club. Having more freedom means that you need to be able to stand up for yourself and your education, which can be scary at first, however building that confidence is important. And it will especially be useful further along in my career. I used to be really shy in middle school, so while I’m not perfect at it yet, I think I’ve come a long way.”

Who would you like to thank?
“I would like to thank my family, especially my mom, for supporting me and encouraging me all my life. And thank you to my senior teachers, Ms. Peake, Mr. Gencer, and Mr. Fenton, for inspiring me everyday, and dealing with my senioritis.”

Tomball ISD educates students to become responsible, productive citizens by providing innovative, individually rigorous, and personally valuable educational experiences. Founded in 1908, Tomball ISD now encompasses 83 square miles in northwest Harris County and southwest Montgomery County, and is located approximately 30 miles from downtown Houston. The district currently educates over 22,000 students across 23 campuses.


  • 2023-2024
  • Graduation
  • Salutatorian
  • TSA
  • Valedictorian

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