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Tomball Independent School District

Get to Know: Tomball Memorial High School’s 2022 Valedictorian & Salutatorian

Get to Know: Tomball Memorial High School’s 2022 Valedictorian & Salutatorian

TOMBALL –  Tomball Memorial High School Valedictorian Jianyi Jennifer Xu and Salutatorian Tucker James Timothy will lead the way during TMHS’ graduation ceremony. Let's get to know the two seniors.

Tomball Memorial High School will graduate its senior class on Friday, May 27 at 12 PM inside Reed Arena on the campus of Texas A&M University. 

Tomball Memorial High School

What are your plans after you graduate from Tomball Memorial High School?
I'm planning on going to college, but not sure where yet.

What has been the best part about attending Tomball Memorial High School?
The best part about TMHS has been the school spirit and how interesting the school makes life. There's always something going on, whether it’s weeks with dress up themed days or the projects and posters that organizations like STUCO do. Just walking down the hall, you can see all the flyers and posters from so many different events and groups, and it's cool to see how involved people are. Going along with that, I love how the students care so much about their own individual passions and dedicate their time to extracurriculars that are all really different. I'm a fine arts kid so I'm a little biased (I especially love Theatre--I think what they do is just amazing, and I've been to almost all their shows), but it's great to be able to go to games or performances and see my classmates at their best. You really look at people differently after you've seen them in their element. 

What will you miss the most about high school?
Kind of going off of that, I'll miss how close knit high school is. I grew up with a lot of the people I see day to day in my classes or clubs, and there's something very comforting in that familiarity. Even if I'm not necessarily best friends with someone, I'll still have random memories of them from elementary or that one class in middle school. 

What did you learn from your high school experience that you will take with you into college?
I learned a lot more independence and self-study in the last two years. Our generation has the advantage of a world of knowledge at our fingertips that can be accessed with a click of the button, and it's good to make the most of that. Also, it's cliché to say but I've learned to care less about what others think--not sure if I'll ever actually reach the 'I don't give two hoots' stage because I'll always give a good amount of hoots (at least seven) about everything. But I went from saying that I didn't care to actually not caring. That may be because I'm just too busy and I don't have any more time and energy left, which might not be better, but I'll take what I can get. It's also partly due to seeing people branch out and become new versions of themselves, and seeing that diversity after the conformity of middle school really encourages self exploration and coming to terms with who you are beneath everything you do to please others. 

Who would you like to thank?
I'd like to thank my parents of course. Everyone under the sun does that but it's because parents usually have the biggest influence over their child's development as a person. I'm really thankful that I got so lucky with mine and that they've been there for every moment, always. I can't really put it all into words, but my parents are everything they needed to be and more. I also want to thank my friends because they shaped the rest of me, and I'm pretty happy with who I am right now so they must've done a good job. 


Tomball Memorial High School

What are your plans after you graduate from Tomball Memorial High School? 
After graduating high school, I am serving a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in California speaking Persian. After that I am attending BYU university in Utah. 

What has been the best part about attending Tomball Memorial High School? 
For me, the best part about attending Tomball Memorial has been the relationships and memories I’ve developed with my friends and classmates. 

What will you miss the most about high school? 
I will miss my friends and teachers from high school the most as the time I’ve spent with them I’ll never forget. 

What did you learn from your high school experience that you will take with you into college? 
From my high school experience, I learned how to interact with those around me and learn from them. In college, I hope this skill will help me create relationships that will benefit me throughout life. 

Who would you like to thank? 
The people I want to thank the most are my teachers who have supported me and taught me throughout all my years in school. I would also like to thank my parents for supporting me and helping me with anything needed. 


Tomball ISD educates students to become responsible, productive citizens by providing innovative, individually rigorous, and personally valuable educational experiences. Founded in 1908, Tomball ISD now encompasses 83 square miles in northwest Harris County and southwest Montgomery County, and is located approximately 30 miles from downtown Houston. The district currently educates over 20,500 students at 22 campuses.

  • 2021-2022
  • Grads
  • Seniors
  • TMHS

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