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Tomball Independent School District

TMHS Teacher Janet Stackhouse Calls Tomball ISD Home for the Last 30 Years

TMHS Teacher Janet Stackhouse Calls Tomball ISD Home for the Last 30 Years

March 3, 2023
TMHS Teacher Janet Stackhouse Calls Tomball ISD Home for the Last 30 Years

Dedicating 30 years to education is quite the accomplishment for any educator, but dedicating all 30 of those years to one school district is even more inspiring.

For current TMHS English teacher Janet Stackhouse, Tomball ISD has been her teaching home for the last 30 years.

“This district is the best of both worlds,” she said. “It is a small-town feel, but still forward focused and fast-growth. We have supportive and encouraging leaders, yet we also have autonomy in teaching styles and curriculum. Traditions are valued, yet we are progressive in technology and opportunities for our students. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. This district has been so supportive of me through all my life changes, and the people I work with and for are amazing.”

Growing up in the Cypress area, Stackhouse had always heard good things about Tomball. When an opportunity in TISD came knocking in March of 1993, Stackhouse was all in. 

“I loved the way Tomball had a small town feel in the way they supported the schools, etc.,” she said. “It was also a unique opportunity to be hired mid-year. TISD was developing a new program for freshman students, and I was able to be a part of that.”

Stackhouse has taught all levels of English I, II, and III over the course of her career and served as a debate coach, department chair and UIL coordinator. She spent her first 18 years teaching at Tomball High School and the last 12 years at Tomball Memorial High School. 

When TMHS opened in 2011, Stackhouse was a part of the opening of that campus and acknowledges that as one of her highlights over the years.

“We [TMHS] were so small and so new when we started,” she said. “Now, we are a Recognized School, and we are excelling in all areas. I am proud of the hard work we have done to get here and of the success we continue to have.” 

As one of the most decorated teachers in Tomball ISD, Stackhouse is a 5-time A+ Teacher honoree (2002, 2009, 2015, 2019, 2022), highlighted by being named the Tomball ISD Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2019, where she went on to become a Region 4 Finalist for Secondary Teacher of the Year. Also, in 2017, she received the coveted Rotary Club of Tomball Outstanding Educator Lifetime Achievement Award for her impact on education and the community.

Stackhouse has poured her heart and soul into teaching in Tomball ISD over the last 30 years and when asked what keeps her going each day, her answer was simple.

“The students, hands down. Our students are so eager to learn and succeed! It is a privilege to get to be a small part of their amazing journeys.”

Stackhouse’s teaching career has impacted so many students over the years and when asked “what do you think students will remember you for?,” her response was thoughtful.

“I hope the students know that I care about them and want to help them build skills to succeed. I am a teacher who tries to build relationships by being real with the students. I want to convey why the skills we are teaching are needed in the future and how to build competency in all of their subject areas.”

Stackhouse’s ability to reach students as an educator has had a profound impact on the success of so many Tomball ISD students over the years, and as a District, we congratulate her on 30 years of dedicated teaching in TISD.

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