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Tomball Independent School District

Tomball ISD 2024-2025 Spelling Bee Champions Crowned

Tomball ISD 2024-2025 Spelling Bee Champions Crowned

TOMBALL - Tomball ISD celebrated campus Spelling Champions at the annual District Spelling Bee and Spanish Spelling Bee Competitions, hosted at the Tomball Event Center.


Spelling Bee winners

Tomball Intermediate School student Micah Ogbunuju captured a first place finish at the District Spelling Bee. He competed through 10 rounds and took home top honors after spelling ‘ubiquity’ correctly.

Creekside Forest Elementary’s Reeva Nevaskar finished in second place. There was no third place winner this year.

The District Spelling Bee featured campus winners from across the district who participated at their respective school and earned a spot to compete for an overall crown. 

As the District’s overall winner, Micah Ogbunuju will move on to the area level and represent Tomball ISD at the Houston Public Media Spelling Bee later this year. From there, the top two spellers of the Houston Public Media Spelling Bee will advance to the 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee; expenses paid by Houston Public Media. The 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee is planned for National Harbor, Maryland, May 27-29, 2025.


  • Canyon Pointe Elementary - Alex Nguyen
  • 2ND - Creekside Forest Elementary - Reeva Nevaskar
  • Creekside Park Junior High - Vihaan Shah
  • Creekview Elementary - Ellen Bogdanets
  • Decker Prairie Elementary - Kahlan Wicker
  • Grand Lakes Junior High - Brendan Nguyen
  • Grand Oaks Elementary - Jaypeters Ateka
  • Lakewood Elementary - Emily Rust
  • Northpointe Intermediate - Arhan Jain
  • Oakcrest Intermediate - Pia Vaidya
  • Rosehill Elementary - Ella Snow
  • Timber Creek Elementary - Beckford Ma
  • Tomball Elementary - Mason Fassbender
  • 1ST - Tomball Intermediate - Micah Ogbunuju
  • Tomball Junior High - Srihaas Chinta
  • West Elementary - Janice Ho
  • Wildwood Elementary - Austin Lynch
  • Willow Creek Elementary - Vihaan Kancharla
  • Willow Wood Junior High - Kate Bui


Elem Spanish Spelling Bee

Tomball Intermediate student Vanessa Salas captured the top finish in the Spanish Spelling Bee for Grades 4-5. Following in second place and third place, respectively, were Timber Creek Elementary student Milagros Alamos and Oakcrest Intermediate student Antonella Montero. 


  • Creekview Elementary - Luis Suarez Oropeza
  • Creekview Elementary - Paula Ramirez Arceo
  • Creekview Elementary - Emilio Gomez Macedo
  • Canyon Pointe Elementary - Elena Vargas Almodovar
  • Canyon Pointe Elementary - Isabella Sanchez Goitia
  • Canyon Pointe Elementary - Carlotta Villalobos Lares
  • Rosehill Elementary - Elyssa Sleight
  • Rosehill Elementary - Milaan Tavares
  • Rosehill Elementary - Daniel Victoriano
  • Timber Creek Elementary - Emilio Zavala Ashane
  • 2ND - Timber Creek Elementary - Milagros Alamos
  • Timber Creek Elementary - Alfonso Caballero
  • Northpointe Intermediate - Ricardo Castellanos Pliego
  • Oakcrest Intermediate - Fabian Facio Figueroa
  • Oakcrest Intermediate - Mia Herrera Franco
  • 3RD - Oakcrest Intermediate - Antonella Montero
  • Tomball Intermediate - Marco Montes Lemus
  • 1ST - Tomball Intermediate - Vanessa Salas
  • Tomball Intermediate - Evelyn Ortega Tamayo

TIS’ Vanessa Salas spelled the winning word ‘recibimiento’ in the 10th round to capture the win.

For their efforts in placing among the Top 3, Vanessa Salas, Milagros Alamos, and Antonella Montero have earned the right to advance to the inaugural Regional Competition, hosted by the Region 4 Education Service Center in Houston on February 5, 2025. Regional winners will have a chance to compete at the Texas State Spelling Bee.

Secondary Spelling Bee Winners

Grand Lakes Junior High student Ethan Haase captured the top finish in the Spanish Spelling Bee, grades 6-8. Following in second place and third place, respectively, were Creekside Park Junior High student Claudia Garcia de Albizo Ibanez and Oakcrest Intermediate student Anabella Suarez.


  • 2ND - Creekside Park Junior High - Claudia Garcia de Albizo Ibanez
  • Creekside Park Junior High - Arantza Mijares Ornelas
  • Creekside Park Junior High - David Garcia Cantu
  • 1ST - Grand Lakes Junior High - Ethan Haase
  • Grand Lakes Junior High - Angel Castillo Martinez
  • Grand Lakes Junior High - Daniela Jasso
  • Oakcrest Intermediate - Oriana Pineda
  • 3RD - Oakcrest Intermediate - Anabella Suarez
  • Oakcrest Intermediate - Venecia Villalobos
  • Tomball Intermediate - Marbella Gonzalez
  • Tomball Intermediate - Bruno Vargas
  • Tomball Intermediate - Ian Powery
  • Tomball Junior High - Luz Ojeda
  • Tomball Junior High - Isabel Jaramillo Pacheco
  • Tomball Junior High - Jennifer Chavez
  • Willow Wood Junior High - Valeria Guerrero Rivas
  • Willow Wood Junior High - Jean Manzano Viveros
  • Willow Wood Junior High - Victoria Rodriguez Munoz

Ethan Haase spelled the final words ’padrastro’ correctly.

For their efforts in placing among the Top 3, Ethan Haase, Claudia Garcia de Albizo Ibanez, and Anabella Suarez have earned the right to advance to the inaugural Regional Competition, hosted by the Region 4 Education Service Center in Houston on February 5, 2025. Regional winners will have a chance to compete at the Texas State Spelling Bee.


Tomball ISD educates students to become responsible, productive citizens by providing innovative, individually rigorous, and personally valuable educational experiences. Founded in 1908, Tomball ISD now encompasses 83 square miles in northwest Harris County and southwest Montgomery County, and is located approximately 30 miles from downtown Houston. The district currently educates nearly 23,000 students at 24 campuses.



  • 2024-2025
  • Spelling Bee

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