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Tomball Independent School District

Tomball Star Academy Moves In, Enjoying First Week on New Campus

Tomball Star Academy Moves In, Enjoying First Week on New Campus

January 6, 2023
Tomball Star Academy Moves In, Enjoying First Week on New Campus

TSA Move In

When it opened its doors in 2017, Tomball Star Academy took over an area of the top floor of Tomball High School, and made the most of its location, successfully educating Early College High School students. When Tomball ISD made the purchase of the former BJ Services, now Tomball Innovation Center, and with the help of the community’s support of the passing of Bond 2021, TSA’s dream of a new campus, was put into fruition. Renovations quickly began at the Tomball Innovation Center, transforming the previous corporate space into a beautiful new, state-of-the-art home campus for the Owls.

While the move in date was fluid until renovations were completed, TSA staff waited patiently. Just weeks before the Winter Break, TSA staff was informed their new facility was ready to move in. They began moving things in the week of final exams and were able to successfully move their entire building in one week. 

“It was a group effort for sure and maintenance and technology were amazing in assisting us with the move,” TSA Principal Dr. Kelly Marchiando said. “We had maintenance trucks loaded, our own vehicles loaded, and we really worked together to get everything over here before we left for the holidays. Our teachers came back on Monday to a building full of boxes and were able to turn this building around in time for students in two days. We were ready for students on Wednesday. It was amazing!”

Prior to students returning to class on Wednesday, January 4, TSA Administration and staff hosted a Welcome Back Open House and Tour of the new Tomball Star Academy campus on Monday. In a come-and-go event, TSA families were able to walk through the building, take a tour, learn where classrooms, cafeteria, bus drop off, and more amenities were located in order to get acclimated to their new facility. 

“Open House was such a success,” Marchiando said. “Students and families were so excited to get schedules and explore our new home. We even had alumni come and visit during this time….some came with their younger siblings in the program. Alumni are so excited for the current and future students of TSA. They kept saying, “WOW – we really leveled up!”

It was truly an experience for the entire family as parents were able to witness the innovative new school that their student will spend their years learning in moving forward.

“Parents expressed their gratitude for getting the students in the building at the beginning of the new semester so they could enjoy the new space,” Marchiando said. “Overall feedback from parents and students is that the building is beautiful. They love having room to spread out, and they thought the cafeteria was beautiful.”

Tomball Star Academy students, for years to come, will be able to fully enjoy their educational experience at the Tomball Innovation Center location thanks to the community support of Bond 2021.

  • 2022-2023
  • FGF
  • Move-In
  • TSA