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Tomball Independent School District

Pre-K Registration

pre-k registration

Online Registration Opens April 1, 2024

If your child will be 4 years old on or before September 1, they are age-eligible but must still meet state qualifications Pre-Kindergarten. (See other necessary qualifications below.)

Please follow these Pre-K Registration Steps

Registrar's Information

Desiree Delgado

Grand Oaks Elementary

Rosalinda Diaz

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
West Elementary

Azucena Escareno

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Rosehill Elementary

Monica Gonzalez Rodriguez

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Early Excellence Academy

Cynthia Gutierrez

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Timber Creek Elementary

Ashlyn Llorente

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Creekview Elementary

Amanda Martinez

Tomball Elementary

Danette Mordente

Creekview Elementary

Luz Muston

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Canyon Pointe Elementary

Suzanne Pierce

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Willow Creek Elementary

Maria Soukup

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Wildwood Elementary

Doris Torres

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Decker Prairie Elementary

Patricia Vintimilla

Secretary-Attendance, Registrar
Creekside Forest Elementary

Lindsay Yeates

Lakewood Elementary