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Tomball Independent School District

Great Expectations

What is Great Expectations®?

Great Expectations® (GE) is a professional development program that provides teachers and administrators with the skills needed to create harmony and excitement within the school atmosphere, elements that are basic for inspiring students to pursue academic excellence. With a focus on human quality of teaching and learning, GE provides renewal and inspiration for teachers who may have lost their way and forgotten why they became teachers in the beginning.

Great Expectations® Tenets

The Great Expectations® (GE) teaching/training model is also guided by six basic principles (Tenets). These Tenets provide guidelines for program training and implementation and serve as standards for evaluating GE schools/districts.

The Tenets are as follows

(1) High Expectations
(2) Teacher Attitude and Responsibility
(3) All Children Can Learn
(4) Building Self-Esteem
(5) Climate of Mutual Respect
(6) Teacher Knowledge and Skill 

Great Expectations Eight Expectations for Living

Educators helping students achieve excellence guide them in adhering to the following expectations:

  • We will value one another as unique and special individuals.

  • We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.

  • We will use good manners, saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.

  • We will cheer each other to success.

  • We will help one another whenever possible.

  • We will recognize every effort and applaud it.

  • We will encourage each other to do our best. 

  • We will practice virtuous living using the Life Principles.

Great Expectations Life Principles

Respect, Responsibility, Courtesy, Leadership, Patience, Fairness, Flexibility, Perseverance, Resiliency, Effort, Problem Solving, Patriotism, Gratitude, Common Sense, Tolerance, Cooperation, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Commitment, Citizenship, Justice, Service, Loyalty,  Propriety, Humility, Courage, Friendship, Initiative, Ambition, Caring, Compassion, Generosity, Humanitarianism, Sincerity, Forgiveness, Curiosity


GE Model School Badge 23-24
Canyon Pointe Elementary
Creekside Forest Elementary
Creekview Elementary
Decker Prairie Elementary
Grand Oaks Elementary
Lakewood Elementary
Northpointe Intermediate
Oakcrest Intermediate
Timber Creek Elementary
Tomball Elementary
Wildwood Elementary
Willow Creek Elementary


Model School Archive