Credit By Exam
Credit by Exam for Credit Recovery
Credit by exam for credit recovery is for students enrolled in grades 6-12 with previous instruction in a course. Students are eligible to gain credit by such examination if they received a grade of at least 60 in the course failed and score at least 70% on the exam. Written parent/ guardian approval and school district representative recommendation are also required. On approval of the Attendance Review Committee (ARC), a student who has excessive absences may be permitted to earn or regain course credit lost due to absenteeism. Credit by Examination shall not be used to gain eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities but the grade does figure into grade point average (GPA). Exams are ordered through Texas Tech University. Further information is available through campus counselors.
Credit by Exam Without Prior Instruction
Credit by exam for acceleration is for students enrolled in grades K-12 with no previous instruction in a course. Districts are required by State law to provide this testing to students that request it and meet required criteria. A minimum score of 90% is required for a student to accelerate to 1st grade. For a student to accelerate in grades 1-12, a minimum of 80% is required. Additionally, written parental approval and school district recommendation is required. Costs associated with this testing are a district expense. Any score for which credit is awarded will be recorded on the academic achievement record but no grade points will be awarded. If the student does not meet the required score, nothing is recorded on the academic achievement record. Examinations are secured through the University of Texas or Texas Tech University. Both universities provide study guides that can be obtained on their respective websites. Further information is available through campus counselors.
Credit by Exam Without Prior Instruction 2024-2025 Testing Windows
Credit by Examination without prior 2024-2025
Credit by Examination with prior 2024-2025
Credit By Exam Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Credit by Exam (CBE) for Acceleration-No Prior Instruction?
- What are the eligibility requirements for a student to register for CBE?
- Are the grades earned by CBE counted in a student's grade point average (GPA) or class rank?
- How do High School courses with two semesters work?
- Where do the tests come from?
- What is on the test?
- Can I use a calculator for CBE's?
- We will be out of town on the testing dates listed, can my child take the test on a different day?
- How many CBE's can a student take during a testing window?
- How can a student study for a CBE?
- Are there any limitations on administering or taking CBE's?
- When can a CBE with prior instruction be administered?