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Tomball Independent School District

Social Studies

Tomball ISD Social Studies provides a rigorous, differentiated, and relevant social studies curriculum with standards-aligned resources and assessments that gives instructional support to all campuses and students through the growth of educational development and best practices.   Students will acquire and use critical thinking and analytical skills to think creatively and form educated opinions about the past to connect to the present and become problem-solving citizens of the future.
Guiding Principles:
The Social Studies department supports the District’s mission of “educating students to become responsible, productive citizens by providing innovative, individually rigorous, and personally valuable educational experiences” by promoting
  •      integration of the TEKS standards of history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science-technology-and society, and social studies skills into a comprehensive, coherent, and cohesive curriculum.
  •      relevant and meaningful instruction to students utilizing a variety of learning strategies and experiential opportunities so that the students may actively engage in the learning process.
  •      vertical and horizontal alignment of curriculum, instruction, vocabulary, and assessment (formative and summative) in order to deepen student understanding of concepts.
  •      inquiry-based learning, using primary and secondary sources with critical thinking skills to encourage meaningful interactions and understanding of the content in relation to the past, present, and future.
  •      the development of well-informed, civic minded individuals who demonstrate respect, appreciate the value of all people, and foster cultural opportunities as citizens.