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Tomball Independent School District


The science program in Tomball Independent School District is designed to provide students with all the skills necessary to compete in the scientific community. Grades K-8 develop a broad based understanding of basic scientific concepts through application. Real-world problems and decisions are the focus for students as they use the scientific process.  This method has proven to motivate students to continue the study of science and to assist in the retention of specific content.  The high school provides a program of studies that allow students to explore fields of science in depth. All of these programs were developed with correlations to and in coordination with standards developed on the national, state and local level. Nationally, the National Science Education Standards were utilized. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are  the required elements of the program and are supplemented with local curriculum. Locally, curriculum writing teams produce program outcomes for kindergarten through the twelfth grade and correlate grade level and course outcomes to the overall program.

Tomball ISD Program Outcomes

The student will:
  • Appraise uses, benefits, and limitations of science in our society
  • Apply science concepts/processes to daily life
  • Develop and communicate solutions, independently and/or collaboratively, through scientific investigation using process skills
  • Appropriately apply technological advances to science
  • Relate career opportunities and science
  • Evaluate how science affects the quality of life in local and global environments
  • Demonstrate integrity, self-management, and confidence in relation to science
These program outcomes provide the guiding force for curriculum revision and staff development as Tomball ISD continues to search for better ways to provide every student with the scientific literacy needed to comprehend the natural world.

The elementary and intermediate school science programs are a hands-on approach to scientific investigation.  The junior high school science program consists of a coordinated, thematic approach to science instruction.  A solid background in the scientific process and strong understanding of the basic concepts necessary to begin exploring  the sciences in depth at the high school are provided.  The high school  science program provides the student an opportunity to choose from biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, aquatic, and environmental sciences. Advanced Placement courses are available at the high school in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Systems.