TCA Success Academy
Tomball ISD’s Success Academy is a program housed at the Tomball Connections Academy (TCA). Students who complete credits for their Foundation High School Program diploma graduate from their TISD home campuses.
In the Success Academy program, students complete credits online using the APEX program, a computer-based lab also used by the Grad Lab programs housed at Tomball High School and Tomball Memorial High School. To be considered for this program, a student must meet the following requirements:
- Have a minimum of 12 credit hours;
- Have a minimum of 3 years of high school completed;
- Have a good attendance history;
- Have a good discipline history;
- Be motivated and able to work independently.
Success Academy students participate in the program for a minimum of four hours daily. The program is designed to serve students requiring flexibility with scheduling. In many cases, Success Academy students are coping with challenging life events that require a non-traditional setting with personalized school hours. The program does not provide tutorials or preparation for students taking the Texas STAAR End-of-Course assessments.
- All courses are completed through the APEX online curriculum.
- The teacher-facilitator provides support with navigating the program and feedback regarding pacing and course completion status.
- Students are expected to take notes while working units in preparation for culminating tests.
- APEX is an online curriculum platform that is also accessible to enrolled students after school hours. Students can complete all work requirements except unit tests during times and at locations convenient to their daily schedules.
Success Academy students are required to meet the following expectations to remain in the program:
- Regularly attend, complete assignments, and maintain consistent course progress;
- Take responsibility for their own learning and success;
- Respect self, peers, teachers, staff;
- Adhere to the technology guidelines of acceptable use and internet safety as established in the Tomball ISD Technology Resources Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy;
- Observe the expectation that phones and other electronic devices are not to be used while working on the APEX online courses;
- Maintain acceptable behavior;
- Adhere to the TISD dress code and student code of conduct.
To apply to Tomball ISD's Success Academy, please contact your home high school campus counselor.