TCA Parents and Students
General DAEP Information
Parent intake meetings for a DAEP placement are typically scheduled at 8:00 am. Students must be present with a parent or guardian for the intake meeting and must be in the DAEP dress code.
Upon arrival at school, students are to report to the cafeteria. If a student needs to leave early, he/she must be checked in or out by a parent in the office. Students must enter the building by 7:25 or they are considered tardy. Students who are tardy 4 times or more during nine weeks may have disciplinary consequences, which may include lunch detention or placement in the transition/In School Suspension (ISS) room. The building clock will be the official clock.
Dress Code
The Tomball ISD dress code as specified in the TISD Secondary Campus Handbook for parents and students applies to students participating in the Success Academy Program or the Supported on the Job Training 2 (SOJT2) Program. Additional dress and grooming requirements may be required from business partners working with students in the SOJT2 program.
Students placed in the Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP) must adhere to the dress and grooming guidelines as specified in the TISD Secondary Campus Handbook and the dress code expectations of the DAEP detailed in the attachment below.